The QS World I’d Like to Live In

via Quantified Self

In the QS world I’d like to live in, our personal data would be easily available to us to learn from using many different methods and tools. Here are some conditions I think would make this easier:

  1. Data can be exported from the various systems we use into a simple format for exploration.
  2. We can store and backup our data using whatever method we want.
  3. We can share our data with whomever we want.
  4. We can rescind permission to look at our data.
  5. We can flow our data into diverse visualization templates and analytical systems.

I’ve tried to express these conditions briefly and simply, but any of them – and certainly all of them together – require changes in the systems we currently use, and these changes may be challenging for technical, business, social, and political reasons.

I know many people in our community have worked on parts of this problem, and I’m interested in your comments and ideas.

The post The QS World I’d Like to Live In appeared first on Quantified Self.

3 thoughts on “The QS World I’d Like to Live In”

  1. Pingback: ¿Qué comparten la “educación personalizada” y el “yo cuantificado”? | Bianka Hajdu

  2. Pingback: ¿Qué comparten la “educación personalizada” y el “yo cuantificado”? | Bianka Hajdu

  3. Pingback: ¿Qué comparten la “educación personalizada” y el “yo cuantificado”? | Bianka Hajdu

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